Quark model baryon baryon interaction and its applications to hypernuclei
Apr, 2004
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The quark-model baryon-baryon interaction fss2, proposed by the Kyoto-Niigata group, is a unified model for the complete baryon octet (B_8=N, Lambda, Sigma and Xi), which is formulated in a framework of the (3q)-(3q) resonating-group method (RGM) using the spin-flavor SU_6 quark-model wave functions and effective meson-exchange potentials at the quark level. Model parameters are determined to reproduce properties of the nucleon-nucleon system and the low-energy cross section data for the hyperon-nucleon scattering. Due to the several improvements including the introduction of vector-meson exchange potentials, fss2 has achieved very accurate description of the NN and YN interactions, comparable to various one-boson exchange potentials. We review the essential features of fss2 and our previous model FSS, and their predictions to few-body systems in confrontation with the available experimental data. Some characteristic features of the B_8 B_8 interactions with the higher strangeness, S=-2, -3, -4, predicted by fss2 are discussed. These quark-model interactions are now applied to realistic calculations of few-body systems in a new three-cluster Faddeev formalism which uses two-cluster RGM kernels. As for the few-body systems, we discuss the three-nucleon bound states, the Lambda NN-Sigma NN system for the hypertriton, the alpha alpha Lambda system for 9Be Lambda, and the Lambda Lambda alpha system for 6He Lambda Lambda.- talk: Nishinomiya 2003/12/04
- baryon baryon: interaction
- baryon: octet
- nucleon hyperon: interaction
- nuclear matter
- many-body problem
- hypernucleus
- quark
- symmetry: SU(6)
- resonating group method