Two-loop QCD gauge coupling at high temperatures
Mar, 200517 pages
Published in:
- JHEP 03 (2005) 067
- hep-ph/0503061 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- BI-TP-2005-07
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We determine the 2-loop effective gauge coupling of QCD at high temperatures, defined as a matching coefficient appearing in the dimensionally reduced effective field theory. The result allows to improve on one of the classic non-perturbative probes for the convergence of the weak-coupling expansion at high temperatures, the comparison of full and effective theory determinations of an observable called the spatial string tension. We find surprisingly good agreement almost down to the critical temperature of the deconfinement phase transition. We also determine one new contribution of order O(g^6T^4) to the pressure of hot QCD.- gauge field theory: SU(N)
- temperature: high
- dimensional reduction
- string tension
- coupling constant: gauge
- numerical calculations