Resonant production of diquarks at high energy , ep and colliders
Aug, 2005Citations per year
Resonant productions of the first generation scalar and vector diquarks at high energy hadron-hadron (pp), lepton-hadron (ep) and lepton-lepton (e+e-) colliders are investigated. Taking into account the hadronic component of the photon, diquarks can be produced resonantly in the lepton-hadron and lepton-lepton collisions. Production rates, decay widths and signatures of diquarks are discussed using the general, SU(3)_{C} x SU(2)_{W} x U(1)_{Y} invariant, effective Lagrangian. The corresponding dijet backgrounds are examined in the interested invariant mass regions. The attainable mass limits and couplings are obtained for the diquarks that can be produced in hadron collisions and in resolved photon processes. It is shown that hadron collider with center of mass energy sqrt(s)=14 TeV will be able to discover scalar and vector diquarks with masses up to m_{DQ}=9 TeV for quark-diquark-quark coupling alpha_{DQ}=0.1. Relatively, lighter diquarks can be probed at ep and e+e- collisions in more clear environment.- 13.85.Rm
- 14.80.-j
- 12.60.Rc
- electron positron: inelastic scattering
- exchange: two-photon
- photon: resolved
- electron p: inclusive reaction
- p p: inclusive reaction
- diquark: electroproduction
- diquark: photoproduction