Stability of string defects in models of nonAbelian symmetry breaking
Jul, 199833 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.D 59 (1999) 065017
- hep-th/9807068 [hep-th]
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In this paper we describe a new type of topological defect, called a homilia string, which is stabilized via interactions with the string network. Using analytical and numerical techniques, we investigate the stability and dynamics of homilia strings, and show that they can form stable electroweak strings. In SU(2)xU(1) models of symmetry breaking the intersection of two homilia strings is identified with a sphaleron. Due to repulsive forces, the homilia strings seperate, resulting in sphaleron annihilation. It is shown that electroweak homilia string loops cannot stabilize as vortons, which circumvents the adverse cosmological problems associated with stable loops. The consequences for GUT scale homilia strings are also discussed.Note:
- 15 pages, revtex, with 8 figures. Submitted to PRD Report-no: Monash University Department of Physics preprint MONASH-PHYS-98 - 1
- gauge field theory: SU(N)
- Higgs model
- spontaneous symmetry breaking
- string: defect
- stability
- field theory: monopole